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Bridging the Gap

Financial aid and scholarships rarely cover the full cost of a college education. Families often rely on payment plans and private loans.

Due to the specialized nature of Beacon’s education, 学生和家庭也可能有资格从你所在州的职业康复中心获得其他资助,并且可以申请毕肯学院的学费作为医疗税收减免.

We encourage you to explore all the financial resources available to you. 如果您需要帮助浏览这些选项,请利记的财务援助办公室寻求帮助.

Interest-Free Monthly Payment Plan

To help you afford education expenses, 利记很高兴为您和您的家人提供Nelnet校园商务的服务. Nelnet校园商业免息每月付款选项允许您以每月分期付款的方式分摊您的教育费用,只需支付少量的注册费. There is no interest and no pre-qualification or credit check for this service. With this payment plan, 您可以通过Nelnet校园商务网站24小时访问帐户信息, toll-free automated account information, and personal account service Monday through Saturday. 教育付款合作伙伴可以帮助您确定您的教育费用的最佳付款方式.


有关您的具体付款方式的更多信息或参加免息每月付款计划, visit Nelnet Campus Commerce’s website at mycollegepaymentplan.com/beacon-college, or call 1-800-609-8056 and speak with an Education Payment Partner.

Enroll in a Payment Plan

Alternative/Private Student Loans

Private loans, sometimes called alternative or supplemental loans, are available from private lenders and offer additional financial assistance. A credit check is required for private loans, and some of the loan terms and conditions may be based on your credit standing. If you are a student, please know that most lenders will require a co-signer.

Before securing a private loan, we encourage you to first explore all other sources of grants and support, including low-interest federal loans.

比肯的财政援助办公室将处理您选择的任何贷款人的私人贷款. Carefully consider your needs before you borrow. 我们建议你在考虑私人贷款之前先申请联邦拨款和贷款项目. Unlike federal loans, private lenders set the terms for the loans, which can mean they have different criteria for both loan eligibility and loan rates. We also encourage you to research all of your options. A few things to keep in mind:

  • Before accepting any private student loan, you should determine the interest rate and any fees associated with the loan.
  • 借款人选择一个以上的贷款机构来资助他们的高等教育,在离开学校时将有多个学生贷款偿还. 考虑使用同一贷款机构来满足您所有的私人教育贷款需求,这可能是有利和经济的.
  • Initially apply to multiple lenders. 根据信用报告规则,学生贷款提供特殊保护:只要你在30天内进行“购物”, there should be no impact on your credit rating and no impact on your loan terms.

Visit FinAid.org for helpful information and ways to compare alternative/private student loan options.

如果您有利记私人贷款的一般问题,请联系Beacon的金融援助办公室. Please remember, though, that we are not permitted to offer assistance in choosing a specific lender or product. Each family’s circumstances are unique, 提供给你的贷款条款和利益可能取决于你的具体信用状况.

Medical Tax Deduction for Educational Benefits

Because Beacon’s programs serve students with diagnosed learning differences, our tuition and fees may qualify as medical tax deductions.

建议家庭联系他们的会计税务顾问,以确定他们的资格和税收影响. 美国国税局出版物907和502特别提供了有关医疗和牙科费用的信息. In addition to tuition and fees, other costs such as books, notebook computers, and other education-related expenses may also be tax deductible.

Learn more about the tax benefits of attending Beacon College. 

IRS Publication 502
Medical and Dental Expenses

IRS Publication 907
Tax Highlights for Persons with Disabilities

IRS Revenue Ruling 78-340
Medical Expenses: Tuition or Tutoring Fees

IRS Private Letter Ruling 8401024
School for Learning Disabilities

IRS Private Letter Ruling 200521003
Medical Expense Deductions: Dyslexia

IRS Private Letter Ruling 8447014
What Is Medical Care?

Practice Aid O502
Deductible and Non-deductible Medical Expenses

Veterans Benefits

灯塔是自豪地参加黄丝带计划的退伍军人和符合条件的家属, the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33), and Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) (Chapter 35) programs.

Yellow Ribbon Program

Beacon is proud to participate in the Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon Program, 哪个项目允许任何符合条件的退伍军人以很少或免费的方式注册我们的本科课程. 只有享有最高福利率(基于服务要求)的个人才能获得这笔资金. You may be eligible if:

  • 在2001年9月10日之后,你的服役总时间至少为36个月.
  • You were honorably discharged from active duty for a service-connected disability, and you served 30 continuous days after September 10, 2001.
  • 根据《利记》,您是有资格获得权利转移的受抚养人.
  • You are receiving the Fry Scholarship, 提供给在911事件当天或之后因公殉职的现役军人的子女或配偶, 2001.

For more information about the Yellow Ribbon Program, please visit: http://www.va.gov/education/about-gi-bill-benefits/post-9-11/yellow-ribbon-program/

Post-9/11 G.I. Bill

《利记》适用于在9/11当天或之后累计服役至少90天的个人, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. The Post-9/11 GI Bill is effective for training received on or after August 1, 2009. This program will pay eligible individuals:

  • 直接支付给学校的学杂费,不得超过公立高等院校州内学杂费的最高限额.
  • 每月的住房津贴,是基于有家属在学校所在地的E-5签证申请人的基本住房津贴.
  • 每年1000美元的书籍和用品津贴,根据入学人数按比例支付.
  • A one-time rural benefit payment for eligible individuals.

For more information about the Post-9/11 GI Bill, please visit: http://www.va.gov/education/about-gi-bill-benefits/post-9-11/

Survivors’ & Dependent’s – Chapter 35/DEA Program

该计划为某些退伍军人的合格家属和幸存者提供教育和培训机会. For information about the DEA Program, please visit: http://www.va.gov/education/survivor-dependent-benefits/dependents-education-assistance/

To begin utilizing your Veterans Benefits, 请在您的第一学期入学开始前至少两周向Beacon提供您从退伍军人管理局获得的资格证书(COE)副本.

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Need More Information?

We are here to assist you every step of the way. Together, 我们的财务援助人员不仅可以为你的大学选择做准备, but throughout your time at Beacon. Contact the Office of Financial Aid at 352-638-9792 or financialaid@lhyh.net.