
Building a Strong Foundation

College readiness is more than being well-prepared academically.

这是为了确保即将进入大学的学生在结交新朋友时拥有适应和成长的技能和信心, experience greater personal freedom, and adjust to changing routines and unfamiliar settings.

这些技能对任何年轻人来说都是具有挑战性的,但对那些学习方式不同的学生来说却是如此, the need for college readiness takes on ever greater importance.


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学生 in College Readiness 项目


Months of Pre-College Preparation Programming


Tracks for Every Stage of Your Journey to College


Freshman Retention Rate for College Readiness Participants

Guiding 学生 to College 成功

每年, 我们的大学准备顾问帮助数百名学生根据他们的兴趣在全国范围内的大学找到他们的“合适人选”, personal goals, and learning needs.

近2,000名学生参加了我们一个或多个以家庭为中心的大学准备项目,为他们选择的大学做准备. 他们被全国数十所2年制和4年制的私立和公立学院和大学录取,并且在他们选择的机构中享有统计上很高的成功率.


Navigating College Expectations

学生们学会驾驭大学学术的期望, including understanding syllabi, managing their schedule, assignment planning, and deadlines.

Building Essential Skills

We create real-life opportunities for students to experience, 实践, and develop critical executive function skills, such as time management and self-motivation.

Adjusting to 校园生活

大学带来的不仅仅是新的风景,学生们还必须为室友的挑战做好准备, navigating campus, joining 社会 groups, managing their own healthcare, 和更多的.

Self Advocating

学生学习的策略和语言需要主张自己和他们的学术需求与教授, 顾问, the disability office, and other scenarios that arise in college.

社会 & Emotional Health

学生主动为大学的社会和情感需求做准备, such as finding friends, managing personal routines, and balancing school and 社会 obligations.

Family Communication



Summer for 成功

我们为期三周的校园沉浸式体验侧重于为当前高中二年级和三年级的学生提供技能, 信心, and preparation needed to successfully transition to college. 它向他们介绍了大学的期望和在大学校园独立生活的经历.

Summer for 成功

学院的优势 (Summer)

Designed for current high school seniors, recent graduates, and college transfer students, 这个为期两周的校园暑期研讨会的目标是在大学成功的关键领域的自我意识和技能建设:学术, executive functioning, and 社会 and emotional well-being.


Intro to College 学者

This series of hands-on, project-based, 为期8周的在线课程为当前高中三年级和四年级学生提供了一个专门的小班教学环境,以培养计划和执行大学阅读作业所需的技能, 写作, and mathematics.

Intro to College 学者

Navigator PREP Jr.


Navigator PREP Jr.

Navigator PREP

Offering nine-month, 六个月, and three-month options, 这种一对一的虚拟课程适用于当前的高中毕业生, gap year students, and transfer students to address the executive functioning, 社会, and emotional regulation deficits that impede college success.

Navigator PREP

Navigator PREP College Coaching

In this virtual semester-long program, 新, 继续, 或者,大学生在社会环境中应用他们的技能时,会得到一对一的指导和支持, academic rigor, and independence of college life. (This program is for students attending other colleges.)

College Coaching

Beacon Foundations

Beacon的在线课程通过直播提供多达12个通识教育大学学分, multimodal learning. 该项目还提供增值支持和个性化指导,帮助学生培养在所选大学取得成功所需的技能.

Beacon Foundations

Dual Enrollment

双招生课程允许当前的高中三年级和四年级学生开始获得大学学分以获得学位. (这个项目目前只对我们当地莱克县公立学校系统的学生开放.)

Dual Enrollment

Center for College Readiness

Do you have a question? Get in touch with the Center for College Readiness at admissions@lhyh.net,或致电 855-220-5376 (免费).