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致力于在不同的艺术实践中培养创造性的表达, the 艺术工作室文学学士 program provides students with a strong foundation in studio work and creative research. 当你进入高级课程时, 课程强调个人的聪明才智, 创造性表达, 以及专业技能的发展.

在校园里,你将在各种灵感空间中获得实践经验. 你将沉浸在我们设备齐全的艺术工作室, 包括一个木材车间, metal workshop, 玻璃和陶瓷窑, 绘画工作室, 以及多功能工作室. You’ll also have the opportunity to view and participate in gallery exhibits in our 克里斯汀·米歇尔·梅森画廊, which features the work of guest artists, faculty members, and studio art majors.


在毕肯学院,我们明白每个艺术之旅都是独一无二的. That’s why, from day one, studio arts students are paired with a dedicated faculty member who serves as their advisor. 这种指导确保了个性化的教育方法, 帮助你建立一个最符合你长期目标的学位计划. Throughout the four-year journey, faculty advisors provide invaluable guidance and support.



Ideal if you aspire to take on instructional roles at museums or local art centers.


Tailored for you to enter the administrative side of the arts or manage your own creative business.


Designed to bolster your creative skills and equip you with a digital toolbox for the modern artistic landscape.


Be ready to launch your own creative ventures and turn artistic visions into successful enterprises.


工作室艺术课程超越了传统教育. 这是一种培养人才的全面方法, 培养创造力, 为你的艺术生涯做准备. Join us in unleashing your creative potential and shaping a future where your passion becomes your profession.

What You'll Learn

打开通往创意艺术事业的道路, the professional portfolio crafted during your tenure at Beacon is your gateway to opportunities — be it as an independent artist or a valued contributor to a creative agency or cultural arts organization. Your education will seamlessly blend hands-on experience with the processes of conceptualization, design, and production, 符合专业水平的标准. The curriculum begins with a robust foundation in two- and three-dimensional studio work before exploring various mediums such as drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, and ceramics. This multifaceted approach ensures a comprehensive skill set and prepares you for a dynamic and impactful presence in the world of visual arts.

Blaze Your Path

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Art is my favorite experience at the College because I get to learn different techniques of art that I have never done before.

— Zanjay Perkins

I love the variety of mediums I've been able to try that have helped me expand and explore my abilities as an artist. 这是一个非常棒的项目.

— Camille McKoy

工作室艺术让我用一种不同的方式看世界. I’ve learned more methods and skills to create artwork by looking at my world and drawing it.

— Marcus Giglio

Sample Courses


学习二维设计和色彩的元素和原则, 利记网址线条的各个方面, shape, value, color, 而肌理及其恰当的运用成功地统一了艺术作品.

3-D Fundamentals 

Study the elements and principles of three-dimensional design as they relate to composition and design processes, and explore space, line, form, light, color, texture, 并且时间上采用了各种材料和工艺.


学习绘画基础知识, processes, and materials, 深入研究绘画的历史和当代问题.


利记网址摄影作为一种视觉表达的数字媒介. 图像捕获和技术相机控制演示. Composition, lighting, color, and subject matter are examined and artistically manipulated. Adobe Photoshop指令侧重于摄影相关的任务,如裁剪, sizing, sharpening, 色彩校正.


Introduces basic drawing methods for the purpose of developing proficiency while working with traditional drawing materials and techniques. Build a strong foundation of drawing skills through assignments focused on direct observation, visual field, value, shape, and line.


Focus on 创造性表达 through sculptural means while developing an understanding of the history of sculpture and its relationship to contemporary art. Tool safety, technical skills, and concepts will be introduced and developed while exploring a range of materials and processes.


Introduces the basic concepts of hand-building ceramics with emphasis on methods of construction, 表面装饰, glazing, 以及烧制技术.

Topics in Art

当前感兴趣的话题在小组教学中呈现. 主题可能包括绘画、绘画、雕塑或戏剧/电影.


A chronological survey covering significant artworks including architecture, painting, and sculpture. Emphasis will be placed on pieces that exemplify each period’s artistic practices with accompanying readings to better understand their function within the original culture’s context as well as the impact which they have had on modern artistic ideals.


没有什么比在工作中学习更好的了. 你需要完成80小时的 体验式学习和实习. The knowledge, skills, and experience you gain — both in the classroom and through internships — will boost your resume and your confidence with real-world work experience.



Students with a B.A. in Studio Arts can immediately begin working in the field or continue to graduate school for advanced study in the arts.

  • Studio technician
  • Art director
  • 博物馆和画廊工作人员
  • Art critic/writer
  • Fabric designer
  • Graphic designer
  • Photographer
  • Teacher
  • Web designer
  • Cabinet maker
  • Furniture designer
  • Art therapist
  • Screen printer
  • Set designer
  • Cake decorator
  • Illustrator

Studio Arts Minor

A minor in Studio Arts not only hones artistic skills but also cultivates a range of transferable skills that are highly valued in various professional fields. 它可以是对初级学位的充实补充.


The Associate of Arts degree in Studio Arts provides students with an educational foundation before entering the workforce or pursuing further study or professional training. The A.A. program requires the completion of a total of 61 credits, with 18 credits in the major.


安排参观,请利记的招生团队在 admissions@lhyh.net or call 352-638-9731 or 855-220-5376 (toll-free).