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Making an Accessible Education Affordable

大多数学生和他们的家庭依靠经济援助来帮助支付大学教育的费用. 而你和你的家人主要负责支付你的费用, federal, state, college, 还有其他外部资金可以帮助你支付大学费用,包括学费和杂费, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation. At Beacon, you can afford the education you deserve.

Applying for financial aid is fast and easy. By completing the FAFSA, you will automatically be considered for Beacon-, federal-, and state-funded aid.

Step 1

Complete the FAFSA online — Beacon’s code is 033733.

Complete FAFSA

Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Submit your Intent to Enroll,接受你的经济援助奖,并通过经济援助门户网站完成你的文书工作.

Who Should Apply For Aid?

Everyone! We advise all students, no matter their income level, 填写FAFSA表格,以便他们可以考虑每一个可用的资源. While income is an important part of financial strength, 在决定你将获得的经济援助的数量和类型时,还会考虑许多其他因素, such as family size, number of siblings in college and assets.

Complete and submit your FAFSA at studentaid.gov

Aid Opportunities

Federal Grants

根据你在FAFSA上提供的信息,联邦学生援助办公室(在美国境内)将为你提供奖学金.S. 美国教育部(Department of Education)负责处理并授予其援助项目的资格.

联邦佩尔助学金只提供给本科生,而且不需要偿还. Your eligibility for a Pell Grant is determined by FASFA.

Begin your FAFSA online

Federal Loans

对于一些不在联邦助学金范围内的费用,美国联邦学生援助办公室(Office of federal Student Aid)会提供助学金.S. Department of Education) may award loan options. Accessing these loans requires that you file your FAFSA. You’ll work directly with Beacon to seek approval (when necessary), complete registration, and handle the distribution of funds.

  • For Students: 一旦你的FAFSA被处理,你将自动有资格获得贷款. 这些贷款允许你在上学期间推迟还款,并有长期和基于收入的还款选择. Direct subsidized loans and direct unsubsidized loans are available based on your financial circumstances.
  • For Parents: You can seek approval for a Direct PLUS Loan. 这些贷款可能会在你的学生入学期间延期,并提供10年的还款计划.

Federal Work Study

根据你的FAFSA的结果,你可能有资格申请联邦勤工俭学(FWS)计划. You’ll be authorized to work and earn an amount calculated for you; if eligible, this amount will be included in your award package. As a student, you’re allowed to work up to 20 hours per week.

State Programs

Florida State Grants:佛罗里达州为符合州居住要求的合格学生提供许多国家资助的经济援助计划, 包括有效获得学生教育(EASE)和光明未来奖. 标准因项目而异,包括经济需求和学习成绩等因素. 有关详细信息,请联系你的高中指导办公室或灯塔的经济援助办公室. You must file the FAFSA as well as a Florida Residency Application for both aid programs. Two forms of supplemental Florida identification are also required.

佛罗里达预付大学计划:预付计划的好处可以在利记使用. The amount paid will be based on your plan type. 你的计划支付的金额将与佛罗里达州的公立学院或大学支付的金额相同. You will need to submit a Transfer Authorization. When Florida school rates are available, 弗罗里达预付公司会知道每个信用小时可以从你的计划中支付给比肯的福利金额.

其他州:许多州允许学生携带州助学金到本州以外的大学就读. 向你的高中辅导员咨询一下有哪些项目可以申请,以及如何申请帮助.

Vocational Rehabilitation: Vocational rehabilitation 是一个联邦/州联合资助的项目,可以帮助有学习差异的学生,并为他们在比肯大学的教育提供额外的国家资助. The amount and type of grant funding varies by state, and each state has different application processes and requirements.

Beacon-Funded Programs

Beacon awards annually renewable funds ranging from $1,000 to $45,000, based primarily on student need. No special application is needed to apply, but a FAFSA is required. 在收到你的FAFSA后,你将自动被考虑获得这项慷慨的援助.

Begin your FAFSA online

Other Scholarships

In addition to Beacon-funded programs, 还有其他的经济援助来源可以帮助你支付本科学位. 从捐助者慷慨资助的命名奖学金到奖学金搜索引擎, be sure to review these resources for funding your education.

Browse Scholarships

Veterans Benefits

灯塔是自豪地参加黄丝带计划的退伍军人和符合条件的家属, 《利记》(第33章)和《利记》(第35章).

Learn more

Financial Aid for Current Students

If you currently receive aid or wish to be considered for aid, you must file a new FAFSA each academic year by March 1. 收到后,Beacon将自动调整您的奖励计划,以适应即将到来的学年. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请与我们的财务援助人员安排会议.

Go to studentaid.gov to file


Financial Aid FAQ


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Payment Plans


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Medical Tax Deductions


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Vocational Rehabilitation


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Apply for Financial Aid

If you currently receive aid or wish to be considered for aid, you must file a new FAFSA each academic year by March 1. 收到后,Beacon将自动调整您的奖励计划,以适应即将到来的学年. If you have any questions or concerns, schedule a meeting with our financial aid staff.

File for Financial Aid

Need More Information on Financial Aid?

We are here to assist you every step of the way. Together, we’ll build a plan to finance not just your first year, but ALL four years of your undergraduate study at Beacon. Contact the Office of Financial Aid at 352-638-9792 or financialaid@lhyh.net

View the Financial Aid FAQs