

经济援助是你大学经历中最具挑战性的部分之一. 我们在这里帮助你让你的大学经历负担得起,容易导航.

浏览下面我们最常见的问题. 如果您没有找到您想要的答案,请随时与我们直接联系以寻求帮助. 你可以通过电话联系经济援助办公室 financialaid@lhyh.net or 在线预约会议.


在提交FAFSA时选择利记,以确保我们可以评估您的援助资格. FAFSA学校代码:033733







Beacon College complies with federal statutes that require students to make satisfactory academic progress in order to retain their financial aid package. 用于确定令人满意的学业进展的三个指标包括:平均绩点(GPA), 进度(已完成学时), 获得学位的最长时间(学时限制).


Your financial aid “package” is determined after you file a FAFSA and we receive the electronic record from the Federal Department of Education. 最终结果,即你的经济援助奖励信,将通过电子邮件发送给你. 通常我们会在四月的第一周开始给新生和转学生发奖状, 如果新的联邦法规变更可用来更新我们的数据系统,会更快. 归国学生, we generally must wait for the updated tuition schedule and spring grades to be posted before preparing award letters.


If you are registered for a full-time class load and have satisfied all outstanding financial aid requirements, all your aid should be paid into your student account the following Tuesday after the first week of the start of Fall (and Spring) semester classes. 佛罗里达 student aid will not be paid if you have not registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours; federal loans will pay with a half-time class load. If you are a returning student whose grades did not pass Beacon’s satisfactory academic progress standards last semester, your appeal letter must be reviewed and approved before financial aid will be paid into your student account.

正常情况下, the Fall semester is when most problems occur because it is the first semester in the new FAFSA aid year; there are more students with documents to review. 尽早处理好经济援助要求,避免开学时的额外压力!

注意:即使经济援助已经存入你的账户来支付学费, 在第二周的课程结束之前,您将无法使用任何剩余的余额. The first week of each semester is the period when students can drop classes or withdraw and receive a full tuition refund. 因此, you must plan for funds other than financial aid during that week to cover any expenses that are not charged directly to your student account.

FAFSA & 验证

我必须每年申请联邦学生资助吗? 截止日期是什么时候??

是的,你必须每年申请! 优先日期是每年的3月1日. FAFSA申请将于明年1月开始.

联邦财政援助年度从7月1日持续到6月30日. A new FAFSA must be filed for each 援助 Year in which you wish to be considered for federal student financial aid. 你可以根据你上课的第一天来决定申请哪个FAFSA. 例如, 如果你注册的是7月1日以后开始的学期, 2024, 你将提交2024-2025年的FAFSA.


The Federal Department of Education selects approximately a third of all FAFSAs for the process of verification. 满足验证要求, the student must provide the Beacon College 金融援助 Office with tax records (tax transcript) that verify the tax information submitted 在 FAFSA. 除了, the student must provide a signed copy of the appropriate Federal Dependent (or Independent) 验证 Worksheet.


FAFSA的验证文件可以在myBeacon学生门户网站的注册服务下找到. 你可以 在这里直接访问. 如果您已被选中进行验证, our financial aid office will work directly with you on which forms need to be completed and how to access them.


联邦法规明确规定了联邦学生贷款的前期费用. 私人学生贷款也需要预付费用, 但是这些费用不受联邦政府的管制. That is one reason it is normally best to take advantage of federal student loans before considering a private loan.

学生必须为退课付费(“W”级), 所以在课堂上保持领先是很重要的. 如果在课堂上有问题,请立即寻求帮助.



你必须填妥 FAFSA 才有资格获得联邦学生资助. 你还必须被利记的学位学术课程录取. Once we receive the electronic FAFSA record for a new or transferring undergraduate and confirm admission status, 我们的辅导员准备学生的经济援助“包”.如有资格申请有补贴及/或无补贴贷款, 符合条件的最高贷款金额将在经济援助“一揽子计划”中提供给学生.然后,学生必须接受提供的贷款,完成 入学咨询,并填写 主本票 (或然数). 本科生的父母也可以申请联邦教育贷款,即家长PLUS贷款. 这笔贷款需要每年进行申请和信用检查, 但如果父母不能通过信用审查, 他们的学生将有资格获得增加的无补贴贷款.

有关“家长PLUS”贷款申请的详情,请参阅 利记联邦PLUS贷款的信息 在 联邦学生资助 网站. 首次PLUS借款人还必须填写一份 主本票 (或然数).



联邦政府提供两种不同的贷款. 补贴贷款以需求为基础,资格以FAFSA提供的信息为基础. The 政府ernment pays the loan interest while the student remains in school and maintains at least a half-time class load. 无补贴贷款适用于未通过FAFSA需求测试的学生. The student is responsible for all interest on unsubsidized loans beginning 在 date of each incremental loan disbursement. 当学生与教育部(DOE)签署主本票时, the options of paying the interest while in school or adding the in-school interest to the loan principal will be offered to the student.

我得到了一定数额的贷款, 但我只想拿一部分给我的报酬. 我能做到吗??

是的, 然而, 请记住,提供的金额通常适用于秋季和春季学期. 联邦法规规定,这笔款项应分两期支付, 秋天一个,春天一个. 这些费用将在每学期开始时支付. 如果你选择了较少的量,后来发现你需要更多, 只要让经济援助办公室为你剩下的资格申请就行了. Another option is to obtain the whole amount for Fall and then reassess your needs for the Spring semester. 如果您发现您将不需要所有预定的春季金额, 只要要求经济援助办公室减少你的春季支出. 最好在感恩节假期后尽快做出改变.


私人学生贷款也需要预付费用, 但是这些费用不受联邦政府的管制. That is one reason it is always best to take full advantage of federal student loans before considering a private loan. 联邦政府, 而不是商业银行或信用合作社, 是根据联邦直接贷款计划发放贷款的贷款人吗. 这些贷款也有贷款发起费,每年可能有所不同.


入学咨询是与每种联邦学生贷款相关的一项要求. The process provides the student with information about legal financial obligations that many students will undertake for the first time in their lives. 在你的贷款发放之前,你必须完成这个要求. 好消息是,您可以方便地在网上满足您的需求. 有关联邦直接贷款,请访问 Student援助.政府.


出口咨询 当你从学校退学或毕业时,还有其他联邦学生贷款要求吗. 这是一门利记学生法律经济义务的复习课程. 退出咨询还提供有关学生权利和选择的信息, 它还会从学生那里获取最新的联系信息



The 佛罗里达 Department of Education requires institutions to verify student claims of 佛罗里达 residency before disbursing 佛罗里达 financial aid to students. 佛罗里达州居住证明包括签署一份证明, 比如利记的佛罗里达居住表格, and providing an official state document to establish that legal residence has been maintained for 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of classes of the academic term for which assistance is requested. 受抚养的学生必须为其父母或法定监护人之一提供正式的国家文件. 可接受的国家文件包括以下两种:

  • 佛罗里达州驾照
  • 佛罗里达州选民登记卡
  • 佛罗里达州车辆登记
  • Proof of purchase of a permanent home in 佛罗里达 that is occupied as a primary residence of the claimant (e.g. warranty deed) OR rental lease/agreement or official letter from landlord/property manager on letterhead with move-in dates.
  • Transcripts from a 佛罗里达 high school for multiple years — if a 佛罗里达 high school diploma or GED was earned within the last 12 months.
  • 在佛罗里达州永久全职工作至少12个月的证明. This may include payment stubs from the previous 12 consecutive months of work in 佛罗里达 OR a letter on official company letterhead from the employer verifying the previous 12 months of employment in 佛罗里达.
  • 佛罗里达州的宅基地豁免证明

如果你是一名获得佛罗里达州学生经济援助的新生, you will be required to submit proof of 佛罗里达 residency with other financial aid documents through the financial aid portal in order to claim these funds. 一旦佛罗里达州的居住权确立,学生不需要每年重新提交文件.

How will my Effective Access to Student Education (EASE) be affected by changes from the 佛罗里达 Legislature?

奖励金额以立法拨款为基础,可能会有所变化. 2023-2024学年的奖励金额为3美元,500 ($1,秋季750英镑, 和1美元,750(春季学期).



我们在这里帮助你的每一步. 在一起, our financial aid staff can support you not just in preparation for your college choice but throughout your time at Beacon. 联系财政援助办公室 352-638-9792 or financialaid@lhyh.net.